Partners and Contributors









List of contributors
Active contributors:
- Adrien Cassagne (main architect) - Ph.D. student, Inria, France (Now Ass. Prof., Sorbonne University, Paris, France)
- Mathieu Léonardon - Teaching assistant, Bordeaux INP, France (Now Ass. Prof., IMT Atlantique, Brest, France)
- Romain Tajan - Ass. Prof., Bordeaux INP, France
- Diane Orhan - Ph.D. student, Inria, France
- Afaf Alaoui Mrani - Ph.D student, IMS lab., Bordeaux, France
- Andrea Lesavourey, Post-doc., Inria, Bordeaux, France
Development supervisors:
- Denis Barthou - Full Prof., Inria/LaBRI, Bordeaux INP, France
- Christophe Jégo - Full Prof., Bordeaux INP, France
- Olivier Aumage - Inria Researcher, Bordeaux, France
- Camille Leroux - Ass. Prof., Bordeaux INP, France
- Laércio Lima Pilla - CNRS Research Scientist, Inria/LaBRI, Bordeaux, France
Former contributors:
- Olivier Hartmann - Engineer, Bordeaux INP, France (Now engineer, BeTomorrow, Bordeaux, France)
- Bertrand Le Gal - Ass. Prof., Bordeaux INP, France (Now Ass. Prof., Univ. Rennes, Lannion, France)
- Robert Morelos-Zaragoza - Full Prof., San José State University, United States
- Elie Janin - Engineer, Thales Communications & Security, Gennevilliers, France
- Alireza Ghaffari - Ph.D. student, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
- Valentin Giraud - Master student, IMS lab., Bordeaux, France
- Baptiste Petit - Master student, IMS lab., Bordeaux, France (Now engineer, ZMP Inc., Tokyo, Japan)
- Chen Shuang - Ph.D. student, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- Thibaud Tonnellier - Ph.D. student, Bordeaux INP, France (Now engineer, Silicom, Toulouse, France)
- Vincent Pignoly - Ph.D. student, Bordeaux INP, France (Now engineer, Thales Alenia Space, Toulouse, France)
- Kun He - Engineer, Inria, Bordeaux, France
- Mehdi Naciri - Master student, Inria, Bordeaux, France