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Thread Pinning

StreamPU enables to select on which process units (PUs) the threads are effectively run. This is called thread pinning and it can significantly benefit to the performance, especially on modern heterogeneous architectures. To do so, the runtime relies on the hwloc library.


To use thread pinning, hwloc library has to be installed on the system and StreamPU needs to be compiled with the SPU_HWLOC preprocessor definition. It can simply be achieved using the following CMake option:

If StreamPU is not linked with the hwloc library, then the thread pinning interface will have no effect and the threads will not be pinned.


Thread pinning relies the OS. The later needs to expose appropriated system calls. While Linux and Windows provide these syscalls, macOS does not... Thus, thread pinning will have no effect on macOS :-(.

Portable Hardware Locality

Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc in short) is a library which provides a portable abstraction of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures (see the figure below).

Orange Pi 5

Result of the hwloc-ls command on the Orange Pi 5 Plus board (Rockchip RK3588 SoC, cores 0-3 are energy efficient ARM Cortex-A55 and cores 4-7 are powerful ARM Cortex-A76).

hwloc gives the ability to pin threads over various level of hierarchy represented by a tree structure. The deepest/lowest nodes (the leaves) are the PUs while higher nodes represent sets of PUs that are physically close. For instance, a PUs set can share the same UMA node (in the case of a NUMA architecture), the same LLC or the same package.

In the Orange Pi 5 SBC, if we pin a thread on the Package L#0, it will run over the following set of PUs: PU L#0, PU L#1, PU L#2 and PU L#3. Thus, the pinned thread can move in the selected hwloc node during the execution and it is up to the OS to schedule the thread on the selected PUs set.


The indexes given by hwloc can be different from those given by the OS: they are logical indexes that express the real locality. Consequently, in StreamPU, it is important to use hwloc logical indexes. The hwloc-ls command gives an overview of the current topology with these logical indexes.

Sequence & Pipeline

In StreamPU, thread pinning can be set in runtime::Sequence and runtime::Pipeline class constructors. In both cases, there is a dedicated argument of std::string type named sequence_pinning_policy for runtime::Sequence or pipeline_pinning_policy for runtime::Pipeline.


For NUMA architectures, it is important to specify thread pinning at the construction of the runtime::Sequence/runtime::Pipeline object to guarantee that the data will be allocated and initialized on the right memory banks (according to the first touch policy) during the replication process.

To specify the pinning policy, we defined a syntax to express hwloc objects with three different separators:

  • Pipeline stage (does not concern runtime::Sequence): |
  • Replicated stage (= replicated sequence = one thread): ;
  • For one thread, the list of pinned hwloc objects (= logical or): ,

Then, the pinning policy can contains all the available hwloc objects. Below is the correspondence between the std::string and the hwloc object types:

std::map<std::string, hwloc_obj_type_t> str_to_hwloc_obj =
  /* global containers */             /* data caches */              /* instruction caches */
                                      { "L2D", HWLOC_OBJ_L2CACHE },  /* compute units */
                                      { "L1D", HWLOC_OBJ_L1CACHE },  { "CORE", HWLOC_OBJ_CORE     },
                                                                     { "PU",   HWLOC_OBJ_PU       },

To specify the index X of an hwloc object, the following syntax is used: OBJECT_X (ex: PU_5 refers to the logical PU n°5).


CORE and PU objects can be confusing. If the CPU cores do not support SMT, then CORE and PU are the same. However, if the CPU cores support SMT, then the PU is the hardware thread identifier inside a given CORE.

Illustrative Examples

This section gives some examples to understand how the syntax works. We suppose that we have a CPU with 8 PUs with the same topology as the the Orange Pi 5 Plus SBC presented before.

Example 1

Let's suppose we want to setup a 3-stage pipeline with the following characteristics:

  • Stage 1 - No replication (= 1 thread):
    • Pinned to PU_0
  • Stage 2 - 4 replications (= 4 threads):
    • Thread n°1 is pinned to PU_4 or PU_5
    • Thread n°2 is pinned to PU_4 or PU_5
    • Thread n°3 is pinned to PU_6 or PU_7
    • Thread n°4 is pinned to PU_6 or PU_7
  • Stage 3 - No replication (= 1 thread):
    • Pinned to PU_0, PU_1, PU_2 or PU_3
graph LR;
S1T1(Stage 1, thread 1 - pin: PU_0)-->SYNC1;
S2T1(Stage 2, thread 1 - pin: PU_4 or PU_5)-->SYNC2;
S2T2(Stage 2, thread 2 - pin: PU_4 or PU_5)-->SYNC2;
S2T3(Stage 2, thread 3 - pin: PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
S2T4(Stage 2, thread 4 - pin: PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
SYNC2(Sync)-->S3T1(Stage 3, thread 1 - pin: PU_0, PU_1, PU_2 or PU_3);

In the previous configuration, 6 threads will execute simultaneously (even if the given architecture supports up to 8 executions in parallel).

To instantiate this runtime::Pipeline, here are the corresponding constructor parameters:

  • Number of replications (= threads) per stage: { 1, 4, 1 }
  • Enabling pinning per stage: { true, true, true }
  • Pinning policy: "PU_0 | PU_4, PU_5; PU_4, PU_5; PU_6, PU_7; PU_6, PU_7 | PU_0, PU_1, PU_2, PU_3"

The previous pinning policy syntax can be compressed a little bit as follow:

  • Pinning policy : "PU_0 | PACKAGE_1; PACKAGE_1; PACKAGE_2; PACKAGE_2 | PACKAGE_0"

Example 2

Let's now consider that we want to pin all the threads of the stage 2 on the PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7 (this is less restrictive than the previous example). The pinning strategy for stage 1 and 3 is unchanged.

graph LR;
S1T1(Stage 1, thread 1 - pin: PU_0)-->SYNC1;
S2T1(Stage 2, thread 1 - pin: PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
S2T2(Stage 2, thread 2 - pin: PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
S2T3(Stage 2, thread 3 - pin: PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
S2T4(Stage 2, thread 4 - pin: PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
SYNC2(Sync)-->S3T1(Stage 3, thread 1 - pin: PU_0, PU_1, PU_2 or PU_3);

Here are the corresponding parameters:

  • Number of replications (= threads) per stage: { 1, 4, 1 }
  • Enabling pinning per stage: { true, true, true }
  • Pinning policy : "PU_0 | PACKAGE_1, PACKAGE_2 | PACKAGE_0"

With the previous syntax, the 4 threads of the stage 2 will apply the PACKAGE_1, PACKAGE_2 policy.

Example 3

It is also possible to choose the stages we want to pin or not using a vector of boolean. Let's suppose we do not want to specify any pinning for the stage 1.

graph LR;
S1T1(Stage 1, thread 1 - no pinning)-->SYNC1;
S2T1(Stage 2, thread 1 - pin: PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
S2T2(Stage 2, thread 2 - pin: PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
S2T3(Stage 2, thread 3 - pin: PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
S2T4(Stage 2, thread 4 - pin: PU_4, PU_5, PU_6 or PU_7)-->SYNC2;
SYNC2(Sync)-->S3T1(Stage 3, thread 1 - pin: PU_0, PU_1, PU_2 or PU_3);

Here are the corresponding parameters:

  • Number of replications (= threads) per stage: { 1, 4, 1 }
  • Enabling pinning per stage: {false, true, true}
  • Pinning policy: "| PACKAGE_1, PACKAGE_2 | PACKAGE_0"

In this case, the OS will be in charge of pinning the thread of the first stage.


An unpin function exists and can be called by each thread individually. Once the unpin function is triggered the thread will be free to be scheduled by the OS over all the process units.


We assume that the user is aware of the computer architecture, uses the logical indexes of hwloc and follows the previously defined syntax rules, otherwise the code will throw exceptions.