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StreamPU comes with simple tests to validate its behavior. The later are always a good way to bootstrap when you want to write your first code with the DSEL. The source codes of the following tests are located in the tests/bootstrap folder. Each file corresponds to an executable test.

Simple Chains

At some point we have to start somewhere :-). The following graphs are a very simple chains made from increment/incrementf tasks that simply perform "\(+1\)" on the data. Each time there are 6 Incrementer (\(t_{[2:7]}\)) so the final expected values in the Finalizer (\(t_8\)) are equal to the values from the Initializer (\(t_1\)) "\(+6\)".

Simple sequence
./bin/test-simple-chain -t 1
This version of the simple chain is based on increment tasks that have one input socket and one output socket.

Command Line Arguments

The following verbatim is a copy-paste from the -h stdout:

usage: ./bin/test-simple-chain [options]

  -t, --n-threads       Number of threads to run in parallel                                  [10]
  -f, --n-inter-frames  Number of frames to process in one task                               [1]
  -s, --sleep-time      Sleep time duration in one task (microseconds)                        [5]
  -d, --data-length     Size of data to process in one task (in bytes)                        [2048]
  -e, --n-exec          Number of sequence executions                                         [100000]
  -o, --dot-filepath    Path to dot output file                                               [empty]
  -c, --copy-mode       Enable to copy data in sequence (performance will be reduced)         [false]
  -b, --step-by-step    Enable step-by-step sequence execution (performance will be reduced)  [false]
  -p, --print-stats     Enable to print per task statistics (performance will be reduced)     [false]
  -g, --debug           Enable task debug mode (print socket data)                            [false]
  -u, --subseq          Enable subsequence in the executed sequence                           [false]
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose mode                                                   [false]
  -h, --help            This help                                                             [false]

Simple sequence
./bin/test-simple-chain-fwd -t 1
This version of the simple chain is based on incrementf tasks that have only one forward socket.

Command Line Arguments

The following verbatim is a copy-paste from the -h stdout:

usage: ./bin/test-simple-chain-fwd [options]

  -t, --n-threads       Number of threads to run in parallel                                  [10]
  -f, --n-inter-frames  Number of frames to process in one task                               [1]
  -s, --sleep-time      Sleep time duration in one task (microseconds)                        [5]
  -d, --data-length     Size of data to process in one task (in bytes)                        [2048]
  -e, --n-exec          Number of sequence executions                                         [100000]
  -o, --dot-filepath    Path to dot output file                                               [empty]
  -c, --copy-mode       Enable to copy data in sequence (performance will be reduced)         [true]
  -b, --step-by-step    Enable step-by-step sequence execution (performance will be reduced)  [false]
  -p, --print-stats     Enable to print per task statistics (performance will be reduced)     [false]
  -g, --debug           Enable task debug mode (print socket data)                            [false]
  -u, --subseq          Enable subsequence in the executed sequence                           [false]
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose mode                                                   [false]
  -h, --help            This help                                                             [false]

Simple sequence
./bin/test-simple-chain-hybrid -t 1
This version of the simple chain is based on a combination of increment and incrementf tasks.

Command Line Arguments

The following verbatim is a copy-paste from the -h stdout:

usage: ./bin/test-simple-chain-hybrid [options]

  -t, --n-threads       Number of threads to run in parallel                                  [10]
  -f, --n-inter-frames  Number of frames to process in one task                               [1]
  -s, --sleep-time      Sleep time duration in one task (microseconds)                        [5]
  -d, --data-length     Size of data to process in one task (in bytes)                        [2048]
  -e, --n-exec          Number of sequence executions                                         [100000]
  -o, --dot-filepath    Path to dot output file                                               [empty]
  -c, --copy-mode       Enable to copy data in sequence (performance will be reduced)         [false]
  -b, --step-by-step    Enable step-by-step sequence execution (performance will be reduced)  [false]
  -p, --print-stats     Enable to print per task statistics (performance will be reduced)     [false]
  -g, --debug           Enable task debug mode (print socket data)                            [false]
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose mode                                                   [false]
  -h, --help            This help                                                             [false]


The looping tests are here to introduce and to validate how to implement simple control flow. Each of the graph below execute one or multiple loops and in the innermost loop 6 increment tasks are executed. Switcher modules are used to create two different paths, one for the loop and the other for the exit (the Finalizer task here). The output socket of the iterate task (from the Iterator module) is bound to the input socket 1 of the commute task. The iterate task controls if the commute should execute the 6 increment tasks or the end the stream by executing the finalize task.

Each time there are 6 Incrementer in the innermost loop so the final expected values in the Finalizer are equal to the values from the Initializer (\(t_1\)) "\(+(i \times j\times 6)\)" (\(j = 1\) in the for loop and do-while loop examples).

Simple sequence
./bin/test-for-loop -t 1 -i 10
This test implements a classic for-loop where the condition is evaluated first in \(t_3\) (a basic loop counter) and the the body of the loop is executed (\(t_{[5:10]}\)) after. Note that this for-loop example can easily be extended to a more generic while-loop if the \(t_3\) task is replaced by an other task that depends on an input data socket.

In the command line, -i 10 indicates that the loop is repeated 10 times.

Command Line Arguments

The following verbatim is a copy-paste from the -h stdout:

usage: ./bin/test-for-loop [options]

  -t, --n-threads       Number of threads to run in parallel                                  [10]
  -f, --n-inter-frames  Number of frames to process in one task                               [1]
  -s, --sleep-time      Sleep time duration in one task (microseconds)                        [5]
  -d, --data-length     Size of data to process in one task (in bytes)                        [2048]
  -e, --n-exec          Number of sequence executions                                         [100000]
  -i, --n-loop          Number of iterations to perform in the loop                           [10]
  -o, --dot-filepath    Path to dot output file                                               [empty]
  -c, --copy-mode       Enable to copy data in sequence (performance will be reduced)         [false]
  -b, --step-by-step    Enable step-by-step sequence execution (performance will be reduced)  [false]
  -p, --print-stats     Enable to print per task statistics (performance will be reduced)     [false]
  -g, --debug           Enable task debug mode (print socket data)                            [false]
  -h, --help            This help                                                             [false]

Simple sequence
./bin/test-do-while-loop -t 1 -i 10
An implementation of a do-while loop where the condition \(t_9\) is evaluated after the body of the loop (\(t_{[3:8]}\)).

In the command line, -i 10 indicates that the loop is repeated 10 times.

Command Line Arguments

The following verbatim is a copy-paste from the -h stdout:

usage: ./bin/test-do-while-loop [options]

  -t, --n-threads       Number of threads to run in parallel                                  [10]
  -f, --n-inter-frames  Number of frames to process in one task                               [1]
  -s, --sleep-time      Sleep time duration in one task (microseconds)                        [5]
  -d, --data-length     Size of data to process in one task (in bytes)                        [2048]
  -e, --n-exec          Number of sequence executions                                         [100000]
  -i, --n-loop          Number of iterations to perform in the loop                           [9]
  -o, --dot-filepath    Path to dot output file                                               [empty]
  -c, --copy-mode       Enable to copy data in sequence (performance will be reduced)         [false]
  -b, --step-by-step    Enable step-by-step sequence execution (performance will be reduced)  [false]
  -p, --print-stats     Enable to print per task statistics (performance will be reduced)     [false]
  -g, --debug           Enable task debug mode (print socket data)                            [false]
  -h, --help            This help                                                             [false]

Simple sequence

./bin/test-do-while-loop -t 1 -i 5 -j 2

Implementation of 2 nested for-loops. -j 2 controls the number of times the innermost loops is repeated and -i 5 controls the outermost loop.

Command Line Arguments

The following verbatim is a copy-paste from the -h stdout:

usage: ./bin/test-nested-loops [options]

  -t, --n-threads       Number of threads to run in parallel                                  [10]
  -f, --n-inter-frames  Number of frames to process in one task                               [1]
  -s, --sleep-time      Sleep time duration in one task (microseconds)                        [5]
  -d, --data-length     Size of data to process in one task (in bytes)                        [2048]
  -e, --n-exec          Number of sequence executions                                         [100000]
  -i, --n-loop-out      Number of iterations to perform in the outer loop                     [5]
  -j, --n-loop-in       Number of iterations to perform in the inner loop                     [2]
  -o, --dot-filepath    Path to dot output file                                               [empty]
  -c, --copy-mode       Enable to copy data in sequence (performance will be reduced)         [false]
  -b, --step-by-step    Enable step-by-step sequence execution (performance will be reduced)  [false]
  -p, --print-stats     Enable to print per task statistics (performance will be reduced)     [false]
  -g, --debug           Enable task debug mode (print socket data)                            [false]
  -h, --help            This help                                                             [false]


The following test implements a switch-case pattern based on increment tasks (\(t_{[4;9]}\)). Depending on the control task (\(t_2\)), one of the three different paths (or cases in the switch-case pattern) will be executed. The first path (or case 0) is composed by \(t_4\), \(t_5\) and \(t_6\) tasks, the second path (or case 1) is composed by \(t_7\) and \(t_8\) tasks while the third path (or case 2) is only composed by the \(t_9\) task.

The final expected values in the Finalizer depends on the selected path. If the first path is chosen (\(t_{[4:6]}\)), "\(+3\)" is added to the values from the Initializer (\(t_1\)). If the second path is chosen (\(t_{[7:8]}\)), "\(+2\)" is added to the values from the Initializer (\(t_1\)). Finally, if the last path is chosen (\(t_{9}\)), "\(+1\)" is added to the values from the Initializer (\(t_1\)).

Simple sequence

./bin/test-exclusive-paths -t 1 -y

The -y option indicates that the Controller is cyclic: for the first stream the first path is selected, for the second stream the second path is taken, for the third stream the third path is taken, for the fourth stream the first path is taken and so on...

It is also possible to have a fixed path for all the streams with the -a N option (with N the path id).


You cannot use -y and -a parameters at the same time, they are exclusive.

Command Line Arguments

The following verbatim is a copy-paste from the -h stdout:

usage: ./bin/test-exclusive-paths [options]

  -t, --n-threads       Number of threads to run in parallel                                  [10]
  -f, --n-inter-frames  Number of frames to process in one task                               [1]
  -s, --sleep-time      Sleep time duration in one task (microseconds)                        [5]
  -d, --data-length     Size of data to process in one task (in bytes)                        [2048]
  -e, --n-exec          Number of sequence executions                                         [100000]
  -a, --path            Path to take in the switch (0, 1 or 2)                                [0]
  -o, --dot-filepath    Path to dot output file                                               [empty]
  -c, --copy-mode       Enable to copy data in sequence (performance will be reduced)         [false]
  -b, --step-by-step    Enable step-by-step sequence execution (performance will be reduced)  [false]
  -p, --print-stats     Enable to print per task statistics (performance will be reduced)     [false]
  -g, --debug           Enable task debug mode (print socket data)                            [false]
  -y, --cyclic-path     Enable cyclic selection of the path (with this `--path` is ignored)   [false]
  -h, --help            This help                                                             [false]

Simple Pipeline

This test is an implementation of a 3 stages pipeline. The first stage \(S1 = t_1\) reads data from a file. Thus, the generate task (\(t_1\)) is intrinsically sequential (= executes on a single thread). The second stage \(S2 = t_{[2:7]}\) just copies the data from the stage \(S_1\) through relay tasks. The relay tasks can be replicated and ran over multiple threads. Finally, the last stage \(S3 = t_8\) is a Sink that writes the data on the file system. This operation is also intrinsically sequential.

The purpose of this test is to validate that buffer exchanges between the pipeline stages are working well. At the end, the code checks that the input file and the output file are the same.

Simple sequence

./bin/test-simple-pipeline -t 3 --in-filepath ~/.bashrc --out-filepath output_file


The second output socket of the generate task (\(t_1\)) is bound to the second input socket of the send_count task (\(t_8\)). If the read data is not a multiple of the stream size, then the stream is padded with 0. But, these zeros are NOT written on the file system by the send_count task. The second output socket of the generate task (\(t_1\)) contains the number of bits that have been read from the input file. Then, the send_count task can avoid to write the padding zeros (if any).

Command Line Arguments

The following verbatim is a copy-paste from the -h stdout:

usage: ./bin/test-simple-pipeline [options]

  -t, --n-threads       Number of threads to run in parallel                                  [10]
  -f, --n-inter-frames  Number of frames to process in one task                               [1]
  -s, --sleep-time      Sleep time duration in one task (microseconds)                        [5]
  -d, --data-length     Size of data to process in one task (in bytes)                        [2048]
  -u, --buffer-size     Size of the buffer between the different stages of the pipeline       [2048]
  -o, --dot-filepath    Path to dot output file                                               [empty]
  -i, --in-filepath     Path to the input file (used to generate bits of the chain)           [empty]
  -j, --out-filepath    Path to the output file (written at the end of the chain)             ["file.out"]
  -c, --copy-mode       Enable to copy data in sequence (performance will be reduced)         [false]
  -b, --step-by-step    Enable step-by-step sequence execution (performance will be reduced)  [false]
  -p, --print-stats     Enable to print per task statistics (performance will be reduced)     [false]
  -g, --debug           Enable task debug mode (print socket data)                            [false]
  -q, --force-sequence  Force sequence instead of pipeline                                    [false]
  -w, --active-waiting  Enable active waiting in the pipeline synchronizations                [false]
  -h, --help            This help                                                             [false]