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Pipeline & Control Flow


StreamPU allows the user to control the execution flow of sequences through the use of switcher, however sequences are often used within the context of pipelines and thus some slight behavior adjustments were required for them to work consistently.

Technical Improvements

Finding the Last Sub-sequence

Upon creation, a pipeline must add pull and push tasks at the beginning and the end of the sequences making up its stages (see pipeline section and sequence section for the relationship between the two). For that purpose, a DFS algorithm is used to traverse the directed graph starting from the root of the sequence, marking every node on the path and returning the last node it passed through. This however can return incorrect nodes depending on the configuration of the sequence.


Node Last_Subseq(Node n):
    Node last_node = n
    for every child c of n that is not marked:
        last_node = Last_Subseq(c)
    return last_node

DFS for the Last Sub-sequence

    graph LR;
    A(SS 1)-->B(SS commute);
    B(SS commute)-.->C(SS Branch 1);
    B(SS commute)-.->D(SS Branch 2);
    B(SS commute)-.->E(SS Branch 3);
    C(SS Branch 1)-.->F(SS select);
    D(SS Branch 2)-.->F(SS select);
    E(SS Branch 3)-.->F(SS select);
    F(SS select)-->G(SS 2);
Here are the paths the DFS would take are

  • [SS 1, SS commute, SS Branch 1, SS select, SS 2] : returns SS 2
  • [SS 1, SS commute, SS Branch 2] : returns SS Branch 2
  • [SS 1, SS commute, SS Branch 3] : returns SS Branch 3

As the function is recursive, it returns the result of the last path taken: SS Branch 3, which is incorrect, SS 2 is the expected result.

graph LR;
A(SS 1)-.->B(SS select);
B(SS select)-->C(SS 2);
C(SS 2)-->F(SS commute);
F(SS commute)-.->E(SS 3);
E(SS 3)-.->B(SS select);
F(SS commute)-.->G(SS 4);
Here are the paths the DFS would take are

  • [SS 1, SS select, SS 2, SS commute, SS 3] : returns SS 3
  • [SS 1, SS select, SS 2, SS commute, SS 4] : returns SS 4

As the function is recursive, it returns the result of the last path taken: SS 4, which is correct, but deceptive. It only happened to work because of the order in which the children of node SS commute were parsed. If SS 4 had been parsed first, then it would have returned SS 3. This kind of behavior is problematic as the algorithm should not depend on which children is first in a list, as that is not relevant to the layout of the graph.

graph LR;
A(SS 1);
As explained in the sequence section, a sequence with no switcher would only have a single sub-sequence, thus the DFS would return SS 1 as the last sub-sequence which is correct.

Improved DFS

The solution is to consider the node without children as the last one.

Node Last_Subseq(Node n):
    if n is childless:
        return n
        Node last_node = null
        for every child c of n that is not marked:
            Node branch_result = Last_Subseq(c)
            if branch_result != null:
                last_node = branch_result
        return last_node

This is simple and efficient.


This is the current implementation in StreamPU.

Finding Invalid Switchers

Another use of the DFS algorithm is to notify the user of improper uses of switchers. commute and select tasks must always have paths linking each other. We find broken paths by traversing the sub-sequences with a modified DFS. Since the DFS already records parsed nodes we can use this information to tell if a commute or select task is orphan (and thus, invalid).

Depth-first Search for Invalid Switchers

The following sub-sequences denotes an invalid binding.

    graph LR;
    A(SS 1)-->B(SS commute);
    B(SS commute)-.->C(SS Branch 1);
    B(SS commute)-.->D(SS Branch 2);
    B(SS commute)-.->E(SS Branch 3);
    C(SS Branch 1)-.->F(SS select);
    D(SS Branch 2)-.->F(SS select);
    F(SS select)-->G(SS 2);

This sub-sequence is invalid because the last SS Branch 3 has no path to the select task. Here are the paths the DFS would take:

  • [SS 1, SS commute, SS Branch 1, SS select, SS 2] : No problem, the list contains both commute and select
  • [SS 1, SS commute, SS Branch 2, SS select, SS 2] : Ditto
  • [SS 1, SS commute, SS Branch 3] : Invalid, this path only contains a commute. We notify the user regarding the broken commute.
# Note that path_taken here is copied between recursive calls and NOT shared
void Check_ctrl_flow(Node n, List path_taken):
    if n is not in path_taken and n is not childless
        for every child c of n:
            Check_ctrl_flow(c, path_taken)
        for i = 0, i < path_taken.size, i++:
            if path_taken[i] does not contain a switcher task:
            Task first_task  = path_taken[i] #We found the first task
            for j = i, j < path_taken.size, j++:
                # We found the second task
                if path_taken[j] is the opposite switcher task of path_taken[i]: 
            # We went through the entire path and didn't find the other switcher 
            # task
            if j == path_taken.size 
                throw an error


Edit 2024-03-31: We found that the previous check algorithm is not valid in the general case. For instance, in the case of nested do while loops, it will raise an error when there is none. Thus, this check has been disabled until a more robust solution can be found.


Some specific tests have been added to the project to validate the robustness of the control flow inside a pipeline stage.

double chain
test-exclusive-paths-pipeline -t 4 -i ../CMakeLists.txt
In this test, the read bytes (from the source \(t_1\)) are alternatively converted to upper case and to lower case (see \(t_5\) and \(t_6\) task). As explained in the Work in Progress section, we need to add a relay task (\(t_8\)) after the select task (\(t_7\)) to make it work.

double chain
test-nested-loops-pipeline -i 20 -j 50 -t 8
In this test, two nested loops inside a parallel stage are tested. -i sets the number of iterations in the outer loop (\(t_4\) Iterator) and -j sets the number of iterations in the inner loop (\(t_7\) Iterator). As explained in the Work in Progress section, we need to add relay tasks (\(t_2\) and \(t_{15}\)) before the first select task (\(t_3\)) and after the last commute task (\(t_5\)) to make it work.