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A pipeline is a feature offered by StreamPU allowing to split a sequence into multiple stages. Each stage is executed on one or more threads in parallel. The pipeline takes care of the synchronizations between stages. This is achieved through an implementation of a producer/consumer algorithm.

Sequence and pipeline

Example of a sequence on the left and a pipeline on the right.

A pipeline is a C++ object of the spu::runtime::Pipeline class. The following sections try to give an overview of the most important attributes and methods to facilitate the code understanding.

Main Attributes

runtime::Sequence original_sequence;
The original sequence from which the pipeline was created.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<runtime::Sequence>> stages;
Vector of the different stages in the pipeline. Each stage is a sequence.

std::vector<std::pair<std::tuple<runtime::Socket*, size_t, size_t, size_t,size_t>,
            std::tuple<runtime::Socket*, size_t, size_t, size_t>>> sck_orphan_binds;
Vector of sockets with broken connections due to the pipeline stages creation (hence "orphan"). These sockets will be bound later to special modules called adaptors to make "bridges" between the stages.

std::vector<std::tuple<runtime::Socket*, runtime::Socket*, size_t>> adaptors_binds;
Vector of tuple (input, output, priority) of the created adaptors, priority is used to order the tuples.

Main Methods

void exec();
This is the public method that runs the pipeline in loop. Other variants exist where it is possible to give a stop condition function.

void init(const std::vector<runtime::Task*> &firsts,
          const std::vector<runtime::Task*> &lasts,
          const std::vector<std::tuple<std::vector<runtime::Task*>, std::vector<runtime::Task*>, std::vector<runtime::Task*>>> &sep_stages = {},
          const std::vector<size_t> &n_threads = {},
          const std::vector<size_t> &synchro_buffer_sizes = {},
          const std::vector<bool> &synchro_active_waiting = {},
          const std::vector<bool> &thread_pinning = {},
          const std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> &puids = {});

This method creates the pipeline given:

  • The first and last tasks of the original sequence (firsts and lasts).
  • The first and last tasks of each stage (sep_stages).
  • The number of threads to allocate to each stage (n_threads).
  • The number of buffers between stages (synchro_buffer_sizes).
  • The type of waiting for the adaptor tasks (synchro_active_waiting).


StreamPU doesn't support consecutive multi-threaded stages yet.

void create_adaptors(const std::vector<size_t> &synchro_buffer_sizes = {},
                     const std::vector<bool> &synchro_active_waiting = {});
This function creates the Adaptor modules (and so the pull & push tasks) that are added between each stage to transmit data from the stage \(S\) to the stage \(S+1\).

void _bind_adaptors(const bool bind_adaptors = true);
Adaptor module tasks pull & push need to be bound to each task in the two consecutive stages, the target sockets to bind are stored in the vector sck_orphan_binds.


spu::module::Adaptor is a special module automatically inserted between stages when creating a pipeline and serve as "bridges" between them, they are bound to first and last tasks of the consecutive stages. The purpose of adaptors is to synchronize data exchange between each stage using pre-allocated buffer pools. In other words, this is an implementation of the producer-consumer algorithm. There are 4 tasks performed by adaptors:

  • push_1: when the \(S\) stage is executed on one thread and the \((S+1)\) stage is executed on multiple threads. The function gets an empty buffer and fills it with the data produced in the stage \(S\). The buffers are filled using a round-robin algorithm.
  • pull_n: when the \(S\) stage is executed on multiple threads and the \((S-1)\) stage is on one thread. It is the task executed just after the push_1, it takes a filled buffer from the inter-stage pool and forwards the data. There is a pull_n task for every thread of the stage.
  • push_n: when the \(S\) stage is executed on multiple threads and the \((S+1)\) stage is on one thread. The task takes an empty buffer from the pool and fills it with the data produced by the thread. There is a push_n task for each thread of the stage.
  • pull_1: when the \(S\) stage is executed on one thread and the \((S-1)\) stage is on multiple threads, it's the task executed just after the push_n. It takes filled buffers from the pool using the same round-robin algorithm as push_1 and forward the data.

Main Attributes

const size_t buffer_size;
The inter-stage buffer pool size.

std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int8_t*>>>> buffer;
Pointers to each buffer of the inter-stage pool.

std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::atomic<uint64_t>>> first;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::atomic<uint64_t>>> last;
Two pointers used to monitor the buffer pool, first is used to get the filled buffers, and last for the empty ones.

Main Methods

These are the methods used to synchronize the buffer pool between the pipeline stages. When getting a buffer, the thread may sleep if there is no empty buffer available. When a new empty buffer will be available, the sleeping thread will be woken up.

void* get_empty_buffer(const size_t sid);
Get a pointer to the first empty buffer in the pool (at index last).

void* get_filled_buffer(const size_t sid);
Get a pointer to the first filled buffer in the pool (at index first).

void* get_empty_buffer(const size_t sid, void* swap_buffer);
Get a pointer to the first empty buffer in the pool, and replace this buffer with a new one pointed by swap_buffer parameter.

void* get_filled_buffer(const size_t sid, void* swap_buffer);
Get a pointer to the first filled buffer in the pool, and replace this buffer with a new one pointed by swap_buffer parameter.

void wake_up_pusher();
The puller can wake up a push task if this one is waiting for an empty buffer.

void wake_up_puller();
The pusher can wake up a pull task if this one is waiting for an empty buffer.