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A switcher is a control flow module used to break sequences into exclusive paths through its two tasks: select and commute.

A switcher is a C++ object of the aff3ct::module::Switcher class. The following sections try to give an overview of the most important attributes and methods to facilitate the code understanding.

Main Attributes

size_t path;
The exclusive path to take when the commute task is reached. Read on the ctrl socket of the commute task each time it is executed. The initial path value is set to n_data_sockets - 1 prior to the first execution.

const size_t n_data_sockets;
The number of data sockets for the commute and select tasks (not the total, but the individual number).

const std::type_index datatype_commute;
const std::type_index datatype_select;
The type of data conveyed by the data sockets of each task.

const size_t n_elmts_commute;
const size_t n_elmts_select;
The number of elements conveyed by each data sockets. With datatype they define what and how much each data socket is expected to read/write.

const size_t n_bytes_commute;
const size_t n_bytes_select;
The product of the size of datatype with n_elemts for the total number of bytes expected on each data socket.


Since those tasks have a variable number of sockets they are accessed through the subscript operator[] with a numerical index or a std::string unlike regular tasks which use namespaces and enumerators.


Switcher swi(2, 6, typeid(uint8_t)); // n_data_sockets, n_elemts, datatype

swi[module::swi::tsk::select ][0]; // input  socket data0
swi[module::swi::tsk::select ][1]; // input  socket data1
swi[module::swi::tsk::select ][2]; // output socket data
swi[module::swi::tsk::select ][3]; // output socket status

swi[module::swi::tsk::commute][0]; // input  socket data
swi[module::swi::tsk::commute][1]; // input  socket ctrl
swi[module::swi::tsk::commute][2]; // output socket data0
swi[module::swi::tsk::commute][3]; // output socket data1
swi[module::swi::tsk::commute][4]; // output socket status
Switcher swi(2, 6, typeid(uint8_t)); // n_data_sockets, n_elemts, datatype

swi[ "select::in_data0" ];         // input  socket data0
swi[ "select::in_data1" ];         // input  socket data1
swi[ "select::out_data" ];         // output socket data
swi[ "select::status"   ];         // output socket status 

swi["commute::in_data"  ];         // input  socket data
swi["commute::in_ctrl"  ];         // input  socket ctrl
swi["commute::out_data0"];         // output socket data0
swi["commute::out_data1"];         // output socket data1
swi["commute::status"   ];         // output socket status


The commute task is used to create exclusive paths. When the commute task is executed it reads the path to take from its ctrl socket and then copies the bytes from its data input socket to the data{path} output socket. Then it sets the path attribute of the module to the one read.

Any task bound to its output sockets before status will be considered in a different exclusive path.


Type Name Index
Input data 0
Input ctrl 1
Output data{0..N-1} {2..N+1}
Output status N+2


The select task is used to join exclusive paths.

When a select task is executed it gets the path from the module and copies the bytes from its data{path} input to its data output socket. Any task bound to its input sockets will be considered in a different exclusive path.


Note that the execution will fail if the path it was executed from does not match the one in the module. That is most likely to happen in a loop because the select is executed before the commute. Then the path defaults to n_data_sockets - 1 meaning that in a loop, the first path taken before the first select execution should always be bound to the last input socket.


Type Name Index
Input data{0..N-1} {0..N-1}
Output data N
Output status N+1


while loop
Example of a sequence with a while-loop.

switch case
Example of a sequence with a switch-case.