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AFF3CT-core Documentation


AFF3CT-core is a DSEL for streaming applications written in C++. This documentation maily focuses on explaining the basic elements of the language from the developer point of view. The user documention is is currently underway.

Here are the main features of AFF3CT-core:

  • Definition of modules, tasks and sockets (dataflow)
  • Elementary modules and tasks implementations
  • Parallel runtime (replication, pipeline)

The DSEL is suitable for SDR systems, video processing and more generally it matches single-rate SDF streaming applications.


The DSEL term can be sometimes confusing and AFF3CT-core can also be seen as a standard C++ library. The name "DSEL" comes from the ability to write interpreted Turing-complete programs using the C++ library.


This library is NOT intended to address data and task parallelisms. AFF3CT-core focus on replication and pipeline parallelisms. For data parallelism, AFF3CT-core combines well with OpenMP. If you look for task parallelism, using OpenMP can also be a possible solution, or other runtime like the excellent StarPU can be a good choice.

Contents of the Documentation

For Users

For Developpers